Pitons needed! any and all for new route development :)


Do you have some old pitons that are looking for one more chance at glory? that may be seeing the opportunity to vacate your basement and actually find a home in some real stone in the 21st century? Look no further - I'm developing some old bridge supports that will need a piton or five to complete some FA's to the top. There arent any routes established on any of them and although I think most of it will go with gear i think the top sections are sparce, and a piton or two in between the quarried blocks is just the trick to pull it together. Sicne its all. quarried stone on old building structures, i'm generally feeling ok about the use of Pitons, damaging stone, etc. 

This is all quarried limestone that is relatively soft. i've read the CAMP, Simpond or Petzl styles might be better than the harder chrome-moly pitons (BD style, etc) but I'm happy to use what I can get.

I welcome donations (i'll pay for shipping) or we can work out a deal, which may include an invite to come check out these new lines if you live in the upper midwest :)


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