FS: Cheap cams, nuts, ice screws and more!

Paypal F&F or you cover the fee.

TCU's good condition
$25 a piece shipped

Wired Bliss Cams Old but good condition
From left to right sizing:
similar to #1-.75 camalot (actually wild country)
.75 camalot
.5 camalot
.4 camalot
.3 camalot
ALL $15 a piece shipped

Old Screws but excellent condition (barely used)
Left to right:
Camp slush screw (never used) $15 shipped
BD (non Express) 16 cm $25 shipped
BD express 16cm $35 a piece shipped

Old style Gri Gri good condition
$25 shipped

Make an offer

Set of stoppers
size 4-11
$40 shipped


Tagged Manufacturers
