SOLD Alpine rack - Metolius ULs and some TCUs - some un-placed! $300 for 12 SOLD


Except the Nano 23s... still have those. Maybe $5/ea, free shipping anywhere in the States??
Want to sell this as a set, and I think I've got it priced righteous enough to move it fairly quick... but I haven't really been in the climbing gear buying-n-selling game for a while, so I'm just trying to not look stupid this time around.

Full rack from 00-8, with some doubles. ULs in all sizes from 8-3, with a TCU 4 double, TCU 3 double, then TCUs in 3-0... and then the 00 is a UL.

About half these have literally never even been placed. None have been fallen on. I think the 7 and 8 got sat on in anchor for a pitch once, but that's it.

I've also got 12 CAMP Nano 23 racking biners that would perfectly compliment these cams (and obviously is what I had 'em for)... all have more wear than the cams, but are still in totally serviceable condition. I'm pretty sure I bought these used a few years back, so I don't have completely history on them, but I never had concerns climbing above them in the alply. Would throw them on for an extra $35.

Shipping is negotiable - again, you east-coast boys can really mess me up on that, so let me know where you are and we'll discuss.

split paypal, if'n you would, please n thanks







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