Gear Closet Clean Out Sale!! HMG Summit, Caldera Cone, Witco, Katadyne, Steripen, Dana Design

HMG Summit Pack $ 100 30L Cuben/Polyester Hybrid 12.07oz/342g with hipbelt, bungee cords, and all straps. 9.46oz/268g just the basic pack with roll down top and shoulder straps. Great, waterproof pack, but not quite wide enough for my shoulders. I wear a size 56 suit if that tells you anything :) Pack is like new. I could only find the faintest of marks on the front, that you really need to look for to see.

Caldera Cone for Evernew 640 pot, with 12/10 stove and caddy. $25 The caldera cone and caddy have never been used. It has the newer titanium connector. The stove has been used a few times but is in perfect shape.

Katadyne Base Camp Gravity Water Filter $30 12.28oz Includes Katadyne Hiker filter with only one use(like new).

Witco Aluminum Heavy Duty Snow Shovel Head. $25 13.48oz Made in Norway. Great shovel head that has a compression fitting on the end, that allows you to use a branch for a handle! No handle included. Used twice. No wear on it.

Steripen Traveler Mini Water Purifier $25 2.26oz without battery.Includes Users Guide. Works fine. Used approximately 5 times.

Dana Design Small Accessory Bag. $10 with any other purchase. 3.28oz I believe it was an add on bag for their backpacks. It has several clips that would be possible to add to other brands of packs.
All prices are shipped to CONTUS paypal personal or add 3% to cover fees. First person to email me at mtnbob123 at yahoo dot com