helium biners, master cams, stoppers, hexes, corax harness

wild country helium carabiners $5 each (26 total 23 red, 3 silver)

metolius master cams (light use) $35 each sizes 00, 1, 3

Full set Black Diamond classic stoppers (light to medium use) $40

Full set Black Diamond Hexentrics (light use - new) $65

petzl corax harness size 2 (barely used, like new) $35

metolius crash pad $100 (if you want to pick it up in vegas)
26 Helium biners, full set BD stoppers, full set BD hexes

metolius master cams 00, 1, 3

petzl corax harness size 2

petzl corax size 2


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