Since I just got a PIF from Adan, I'm offering one up per the guidelines.

I'll state up front, first person to answer doesn't necessarily get the PIF - I favor those who actually contribute to the threads beyond gear swap.

Normal PIF guidelines apply: Get something, give something. For personal use, not for resale. Etc., etc.

I thought I'd try to get a bit creative with this PIF (it helps for when I have to write my Match profile, if I don't take creative license with that I'd never get a date....).

Anyway, this is an "either or" but not both PIF.


I'll make and dehydrate a breakfast and dinner for you. Both meals are vegan. All ingredients are organic (if available as organic). Breakfast will be cranberry vanilla quinoa (this is made in a crock pot, man is it good). Dinner will be either (your choice) yellow pea and sacha inchi chowder or Caribbean mango black beans (which I've never dehydrated before, but should dehydrate well). Cooking and dehydrating will happen this coming weekend.


I have a pair of cuben overmitts, made and sealed by Javan Dempsey. Very nice work. Very good condition.

