Molly Mac cotton hammock sock - Used for Frozen Butt Hang

I have a slightly used Molly MaC cotton hammock sock. I used this for one of the frozen butt hangs a few years ago. It's in just about perfect condition. See link below if you are interested. This is a cotton canvas hammock cover for winter camping. It's made of a very lightweight cotton canvas material. Close to a bed sheet in thickness. It also have thin black bungee cords added on the bottom to help support an underquilt. Mac made this for me a few years ago and I only used it once or twice. I use a new hammock system now and no longer have a need for this. It's a perfect fit for a 10' hammock. Below is information from Molly Mac Pack's website: The Hamarak: Canvas Hammock Sock with SEEP for Extreme Cold VIDEO: Canvas Hammock Sock in MN at -15*F Uninsulated, breathable, windproof cover for your hammock. Made with 4 oz canvas only. Use it with or without a tarp. This product was requested by FourDog, woodsman extraordinaire and maker of FourDog Wood Stoves. He tested it at -15*F in Minnesota, with excellent results, and gave his permission to use his endorsement. Canvas performs better than any material at being both windproof and highly vapor permeable. The Hamarak protects your down underquilt by allowing moisture to pass completely through without condensing or freezing in or on your insulation. If your interested in this for the Frozen Butt Hang in a few days I can ship this to you tomorrow or you can pick it up at my house in Wisconsin. No shipping to Alaska or Hawaii unless we first agree on a shipping cost.

