FS: Miscellaneous Items


I have the following items. All prices include paypal fees (why doesn't everybody do this, if you're worried about fees just list for 3% higher, grumble grumble) anyway, here goes:

* Mountain Hardwear KOA 55 in pretty much new condition, $50.

* Mountain Hardwear Mesa convertible pants. Size small, great condition, brown/Khaki color

* Black Diamond Raven Ice Axe with leash I would like to sell for $50 65 cm, new condition

* Sierra Design Cloud Shell size (m) also for $50

* Sierra Designs Micro Lite in Blue $20
(small I believe but I am usually a medium so this is a big small - or - it's a medium, I'll check tonight). My rain shell search continues, and while it does I'm using a MLD simple poncho not for sale - yet.