WTB: Men's 30 degree sleeping bag, Men's 55-70L pack, Platypus bottles, headlamp

Looking to get a few items for a friend and a few for myself.

Friend's measurements:
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165
Waist: 31-32
Torso: 20.5

He's looking for a 25-35 degree bag, down. No quilts. $175 max.

Also looking for a pack. Needs to be framed and have a good hipbelt, mainstream packs are fine, comfort > weight for this. Looking to spend around $100.

I am looking for some Platy or other collapsible bottles, 1L size would be perfect. Also looking for a cheap headlamp. And a pump based filter - Katadyn, Pur, etc - needs to be a pump based one or maybe a grav filter as it will be used by a group.

Please PM me with offers ASAP! Need the items for my friend by August 6 or 7 as we are leaving early on the morning of August 11th.

