FS: Lots of stoves! remote stove, mini tattoo, zelph

It has been said that I have a problem... so, I am gonna get rid of about half of my remote stove cache. #1 Mini Tattoo Stove comes with: pot stand fuel bottle w cap silicone tubing nipple cap plastic carry case/measuring cup $30 shipped #2 Mini Tattoo Stove comes with: pot stand fuel bottle w/cap silicone tubing nipple cap plastic carry case/measuring cup $30 shipped The main difference in these 2 mini tattoo stoves is the knurling which is just a different design. #3 Mini Tattoo Stove Prototype comes with: pot stand fuel bottle silicone tubing nipple cap extra carbon felt for “high” heat. Remove it for low heat. good for baking. Also comes with smokeater908 "fireplug", to allow for continuous feed $35 shipped Zelph Stoves Venom Super stove with integrated pot stand I like this stove, burns hot. $10 shipped Remote stove “Cauldron” made by Stove Daddy stoves comes with: pot stand fuel bottle silicone tubing nipple cap It has also has a "high" and a "low" setting by removing the outer carbon felt. good for baking $20 shipped Remote stove unknown maker: either my friend made it or somebody here on HF. It is nice and comparable to the other stoves in burntime, but a bit smaller. For the continuous feed to work, you have to unscrew the cap a bit to allow for airflow. Not really continuous feed, as you have to play with it, but it really works well after you get the hang of it. comes with: pot stand fuel bottle silicone tubing nipple cap Plastic case/measuring cup/continuous feed setup $20 shipped If you buy more than 1, you will save a dollar or 2 due to being able to ship them together. The first photos are of the tattoo stoves and the case. I will attach other photos in just a few. Thanks for looking at my stuff!


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