FS: Locus Gear Khufu Sil (Alpine Green color)

I am selling my unused and un-seamsealed Khufu Sil.

$275.00 (incl. shipping in U.S.)

Listed weight: 470g(incl. stuff sack)
Weight on my scale: 471g (incl. stuff sack)

I ordered the Sil Khufu in March 2013. I decided to try Locus Gear for a few reasons: supporting an upcoming gear maker and wanting a different color than many other silnylon mids, hence the Alpine Green (ah, vanity). I then bought a cuben DuoMid on gear swap, deciding I would keep one and sell the other. Here it is, set-up when I got it:

A couple of notes:

(1) Even though I am not keeping this one, Jotaro at Locus Gear was very professional to work with and I recommend LG to anyone who is interested in one of his shelters. Shipping to the U.S. was a non-issue.

(2) This did come from Japan, so the price is more than a MLD DuoMid. Please don't post here about how one can get a sil DuoMid for $215. This is true. I have several MLD products and also highly recommend Ron's fine gear. However, this is what this shelter costs. The current listed price is ¥29,800 (currently $291.00 on Oanda). Shipping to the U.S. costs more. So . . . if you would like a Locus Gear Khufu without a wait, let me know.


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