FS Ice Gear - Sabretooths, BD screw, 60L WorkSack, Alpha SV glove, gaiters

Some lightly used gear for your consideration... all prices include CONUS shipping and are pretty firm. Will trade for offset cams.
Paypal to tannersjackson (at) gmail (dot) com is preferred.

BD Stainless Sabretooth Pro 'pons, some use, excellent condition $100 16 cm BD Turbo Ice Screw, used, sharp and ready to go $24
CAMP Dyneema Tricams, like new, $14 each, $50 for the set
Older sz. M Cilo Gear 60L WorkSack, used $115

Arcteryx Alpha SV glove, sz. L, worn once, perfect $120 OR W's medium Ventia gaiters, lightweight and waterproof, used twice, several small repairs $18 Older Petzl Corax Harness, used, stored carefully, plenty of life left, fits waists 30-40" $18


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