FS: Montbell Alpine Light Down Parka

Size XL
Asking $150 shipped via USPS Priority (includes tracking number)
Payment via PayPal. If you prefer to use the "payment" option rather than the gift option, you pay the additional 3% (+$5).

This was bought new in June 2011, by me, from Backcountry.com. I have only used it around home/town a few times a year. It is simply to much jacket for me to carry backpacking in our warmer SE conditions. However, now it is a bit to large for me. Even before I lost weight, it was a little large, but I was ok with it... now at almost 50 lbs lighter, it is just way too big. I need to sell this one and buy a smaller one...

This jacket is in great condition. No rips, tears, stains, smells, etc... Has been stored either hanging up in a closet, or in a plastic tupperware bin, in a smoke free home. Supplied stuff sack is included. The parka lofts really nice all around, and all zippers and hood adjusters work perfectly.