Nine (9!) helmet giveaway for those in need - apply by Sept. 29

If you have listened to an episode of The Sharp End Podcast, you know that many guests discuss the importance of wearing helmets, and for good reason! Often, their helmets prevented more severe injuries during the accident and saved their lives. 

Safety equipment should always be a priority before heading into the backcountry, but unfortunately, the cost of essential equipment, like helmets, can be a significant barrier. 

That’s why Brandon Cox, The Sharp End’s latest guest in Episode 104, generously committed to donating two Black Diamond Capitan Helmets - the same model that saved his life.

Brandon’s passion for keeping others safe outdoors resonated with others, sparking a huge wave of support. Hiking Hound Adventures and Myriam Bouchard, guest of Episode 92, matched Brandon’s donation, and just this week, another person who has listened to the show since the very first episode, Walt Wadlow, gifted two more helmets and then another anonymous donor gifted one more! 

The Sharp End will give away NINE helmets to individuals who need essential safety gear but may find it cost-prohibitive to purchase. Our shared goal is that everyone has the protection they need to be prepared for their next adventure, and we are excited to spread the word within the YOUR community, too!

If you or someone you know could benefit from this program, we encourage you to apply at Applications must be submitted by September 29th at 12 pm AK.


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