FS: BD momentum shoes, Wild country helium carabiners - lot of 18

For sale:

-Black Diamond momentum size 40( men’s 7.5, women’s 6.5.) great to excellent condition, used a handful of times. Crisp edges and good rubber.
$35 shipped 

-Wild Country helium 3.0 rack packs (3sets total) Basically brand new, never racked or used, has color markings . $60 per 6 carabiner rack pack shipped or all 18 for $175 shipped (Retails $85 per rack pack). Only selling as 3 rack pack sets of (6 carabiners) or the whole lot of 18. ***Will not sell individuals or random quantities***

Tc pros, Nano puff, Shorts & Drysacks are sold 

I only accept PayPal goods and services, buyer pays fees, I pay shipping. 

Jcaclimb @ .(no spaces) Email me directly as there seems to be issues with private messages  


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