fs: Rab Positron Pro Womens Med, Rab Valiance Womens Small, lightly used Arcteryx Acurx AR US10/EU44 Mens Mountaineering boots

Brand new with Tags Womens medium Rab Positron Pro. Patriot Blue. Only taken out of the bag to try on once (too big). Originally $450, paid $395, $300+shipping. Firm

Brand new with Tags Womens small Rab Valiance. Deep Heather (maroon). Only taken out of the bag to try on once. I think it's $415 originally. Paid $300ish,. $250+shipping firm. 

Arcteryx Acrux AR mens US10/EU 44. Lightly used, still in great shape...just a little too snug/narrow for me. Did one trip up Central Gully. Really warm, lightweight double boot. Liner is still in great shape. I'm a solid US10 in nikes, 10.5 in LS TX3's, EU43.5-44 in LS Nepals and the Acrux's are just a little too small. If you're a solid 9.5, 9, or even a 8.5 (w/ thick socks+liner), these should work. $420+shipping. 

REI Stormhenge...the orignal one. not pictured but will get a pic up son. size large mens, Orangeish/red. Couple stains but still fully functional, no rips/tears. Warm/waterproof for belays. $100


Payment is via paypal or venmo...can also meet up locally in western Mass area/w. ct. or can meet up near the catskills, Whites, or ADK's next time I'm up there. 


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