PITONS for sale! Wall Hammer, Micro nuts, small cams

Gaging interest in a variety of pins. I have a selection of knife blades, rurps, sawed angles, LA’s, and small peckers. If people are interested I’m happy to post pictures! Also have an OG chouinard hammer, classic piece.

Comment and I’ll post pics! or message me what you are interested in!

updated list: 

Original Chouinard Hammer $170

6x RP’s (0-6, missing 5) $70 

5x BD micro nuts (1-6 missing 5) $50

Single set sawed offs $35 SOLD

5x rurps $50

5x #1 BD pecker $50 SOLD 

Dmm bulldog (new) $20 

2x knife blades $20 

Dragonfly #1 cam $50

Dragonfly #2 cam $50

Will throw in the Z-ton if you buy several items. 

