Merry Picksmas: Petzl+Camp picks, C4 .4, slings, screw

Clockwise from left. Price is per pick

1x Petzl ice pick, sharp, 3/10 wear - 20

2x X dream pxs00(a) ice picks, sort of sharp, 5/10 wear - 45

2x x dream steinle ice sort of sharp 5/10 wear - 50 

2x x dream steinle mixed dull 7/10 - 25

2x x dream ice very sharp 1/10 - 20

1x xdream mixte new - 25

1x xd mixte sharp ish 3/10 - 20

Good condition bd c4 .4 with biner 45

skylotec cipe sewn slings ( no bartack! ) 3x double 1x triple. Never used. 15 each or 45 for all 4

Bd 16cm steel screw 20

Sterling sewn Purcell Prussik 10


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