Gear Repair Northeast - Murphs

Hey all, 

My name is Liam Murphy; for the past three years, I've been making upcycled tote bags under the brand name "Murphs." With many industrial sewing machines at my disposal, I started to regularly fix friends and my outdoor gear when a zipper would blow out, a crampon would tear through Gortex bibs, or an ember burned a hole through a puffy. 

As I started doing this for my friends, more people have been coming to me to replace zippers, repair puffys etc... 

So If you're in the Northeast area (Based in Southern NH) or are okay with shipping and have some gear that needs to be repaired, let me know! I'd be happy to help out. 

You can view my past work on Instagram: @murphs_repairs 

Text / Call: (802) 487-6035

Email: [email protected]

- Liam


