Selling ice climbing and drytooling equipment. Mostly ice picks and front points.

Everything in red circle $5/piece (some items are used, some are unused, but at least 5 years old); 

Everything in blue circle $20/piece (all unused, at least 5 years old).

Everything in red circle $30/piece (aspeed picks lightly used; grivel unused)

Everything in yellow circle $40/piece (used a couple of times)

Everything in blue circle $60/piece (ice picks for aspeeds that actually climb ice well)

Comp grivel tools: $90 for each 3-piece pick, $110 for each 4-piece pick.

On top of that I have the following items for sale:

1. Aspeeds with modified head for torx bolts + modified upper pommel for ice: $500/pair

2. Grivel carbon race tools $300/pair

3. BD express ice screws 1x22cm; 2x19cm: $30/each

4. BD vthread device $5

