FS: Cams & Stoppers BD, Wild Country, Aliens, Trango

All cams are used, none have taken falls, most have been aided on.

Black Diamond C4

#6 - $70

#5 - $60

#4 - $50

#3 - $40/ea.

.75 - $35/ea.

.5 - $35

.4 - $35

.3 - $30

Black Diamond Ultralight

.5 - $35

Black Diamond X4

.3 - $30

.2 - $30

Wild Country New Friends

#4 - $50

#3 - $40/ea.

#2 - $40

#1 - $40

.75 - $35/ea.

.5 $35

Fixe OG Aliens 

Yellow -$30

Green -$30

Blue -$30

Black -$30

Or all 4 for $100

Trango Offset Stoppers

Double set 8-11, single #7(red) $60

Local pick-up in Boulder, CO or Buyer pays shipping


Tagged Manufacturers
