Mid style tent recomendations

Look to buy a mid-style tent in DCF but don't want to break the bank. (I know DCF and break the bank do not correlate). Looking for some recommendations,

So far, I'm looking at-

HMG Ultamid 2- Expensive but very well know.

MLD DUOMID DCF- Less expensive but have not heard of much about the tent.

MLD SOLOMID DCF- Would still work but might be two small.

MLD Cricket- Cheaper but not sold on no zipper.

Locust Gear- Maybe?

I'm looking for a tent that would work in the winter with snow but still be light. I would still like to use it all year round though. Let me know if you have any other recommendations that fit my needs. Looking for one tent fits all. (I know almost nonexistent). Also open to other suggestions that are not Mids.


