Ice Screw bags

I decided to use some extra Cordura fabric I had left over, and mess around with a sewing machine. I was looking for a solution to quickly protect a small rack of ice screws and protect other gear in my pack from them. This is what I came up! I made a few for some friends and they really like them, so I wanted to offer them here!

Keep in mind this not intended to take the place of the larger (heavier) bags available from Mass Producers for those long vertical ice days. I use these primarily on alpine routes where I am also placing tradintional gear and only need a small rack of screws, or my partner is also bringing a small rack. "Share the Weight"

Since I only do this fun, I am offering the 6 screw "Go Bag" or 4 screw "Quick Draw" for 10.00 including shipping to the first 5 people that hit me up. 

Light weight and I suspect they will maybe last 2 - 3 seasons depending on use. There is no warranty and thread color may vary, though I am considering keeping yellow and ice blue as my colors.

I may also throw in a strap to keep it rolled up, but for now I use a rubber bad!

Let me know what you guys think (I have been here long enough to know what I can expect from some of you), keep it clean! Screws not Included! (Production Time Varies)


