FS: Silent Partner

Silent Partner, used, still feeds and locks - $900

I bought this from Chuck Clance in 2006 who had purchased it some years earlier (2001) but never used it. It was still in the package with the manual, no scratches or anything. Chuck insisted on meeting me in person to make sure I wasn't going to kill myself. We met at a pub early one Sunday morning. Chuck must have been a regular there as the staff treated him like he was family. And although I don't believe they were open for business I'm pretty sure Chuck was served. One of the first routes I climbed with it was a Clance route, Skull Queen.

Other than three short intentional falls I took on it to see it work I only fell on it once or twice. No big whippers.

I never really took to the Silent Partner despite using it a bunch. Rope management was kind of a PITA in my experience. One time I was using it in Yosemite Valley to climb Bishop's Terrace and Mark Blanchard, the designer of the SP, showed up at the base with friends. My slightly fuzzy rope jammed around the device down low on the route and in frustration I nearly took a knife to the rope. Using the SP definitely requires some technique and patience.  But for free climbing the alternatives I tried were inferior.

If $900 seems like a crazy amount (and it is) I will also offer a framed photo of my Silent Partner for the low, low price of $35, shipping included

