Packs: Arcteryx Nozone 75 Tall, Blue Ice Warthog 45L, BD Crag 40 M/L
Nozone 75 sz L, Tall
- This pack is in perfect working condition, other than a couple minimal puncture holes. Other than that, the pack is as sturdy as new. I made the following modification, as shown in picture; I removed the front clips for the lid, as I always carry that lid inside as the so called "alpine purse" (I hate to open 2 buckles every time I need to get in, and I rather just pull the cord.) $185 shipped. This pack retailed for $400.
Blueice Warthog 45L
- Used, but with plenty of use ahead. I did remove the back panel to have it in light mode, so there's that. $50 shipped
Black Diamond Crag 40, szM/L
- $50 shipped