Paid Mentorship offer.

I am offering virtual climbing mentorship for $250 for four weeks. Before you sign up and spend any money, we’ll have a phone conversation to see if/how I can help you out. 

We will talk or zoom meet for an hour once a week and also communicate via email or text. (I realize we might have a full on conversation via email or text but I’m going to have to limit this somehow. I am often out climbing and don’t always have connection.)

I’ve been rock climbing for 50 years. I first climbed El Cap in 1974 and recently in 2020. I have climbed 5.13 with hexes and recently in Rifle, I’ve led the Nose in a day and have soloed El Cap three times. I’ve been around the block!

I’m a rock climber, not an alpinist or mountaineer. 

I am not a physical trainer or a nutritionist although I understand their basics and can direct you to people in those fields. 

I can provide real world tips and plans to help you progress as a rock climber. I can help you streamline your kit and approach for sport climbs, trad routes, In a Day and Multi Day walls.
