Scarpa & Kayland mtn/ice boots, alpine draws, plaid wool shirts, TNF day pack, T shirts, Mocs

Items for sale below. Free pick up in Baltimore, or I'll split shipping with you. Cost for shipping will depend on destination and items purchased. Paypal preferred, but either cover fees or send as gift please.

3.5 alpine draws - wire gates both ends, mixed dyneema 60cm slings, but I'm going to remove one sling from the set b/c its a bit old. $35 for all.

Scarpa Inverno boots 8.5 english/british sizing (aka ~9.5 US) - very very light use. Soles are impeccable, liners are great (as you would expect from the lack of use). $125

Kayland boots 13US sizing. Integrated gaiter. Heels are too wide for me. Heavy use, but great for getting into ice. $50

5.10 Mocs - size 12.5, was hoping they would fit but no bueno for my foot shape. Light use, great soles. $30

TNF Daypack - almost "vintage" age. I have two of this pack, the other with opposite color scheme. Don't need or use this one. Some wear and small ~1cm hole on the corner of the back panel from the washing machine. $10

T shirts: La Sportiva Tshirt, mens Medium. Others are random size L Tshirts with very little use, free with other purchase if desired.

Wool and/or plaid. Top 2 are wool/syn blend, technically labelled as large but they fit like mediums. Bottom shirt is cotton that fits more like an XL. $10/each for the wool, $5 for the cotton plaid.


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