ESEE III/Candiru piggyback sheath

I'm offering this up for sale at (near) cost, everything here is brand new . The only reason I'm selling this is because I love the ESEE 4 so much more than the ESEE III. If it doesn't sell.. I'll learn to love the knife. This is being sold as a single unit, I will not separate the items, but I am listing the original costs per item. Included in the sale is: ESEE III ($72)ESEE Candiru ($42)(Stock Cordura sheath included)Cadiru Scales ($15)Zebra Light H52Fw AA ($64) (Head Strap included)Grizzly outdoors "Piggyback Grizzly Elite" Sheath. ($175) The Sheath was designed with the following options: Large​ Knif​e: Esee ​3Small Knife: ESEE CandiruBelt ​Loop: Dangl​er Ny​lon B​elt L​oopOff-s​et Pl​atfor​m (+ ​$20): YesFront​ Colo​r: Flat ​Dark ​Earth​ (+ $​10)Back ​Color​: Flat ​Dark ​Earth​ (+ $​10Piggy​back ​and a​ttach​ment/​holde​r Col​or: Krypt​ek Hi​ghlan​derFires​teel ​and A​ttach​ment: On th​e Sid​eFlash​light​ hold​er (+​ $10)​ - (F​lashl​ight ​not i​nclud​ed): CustomMille​d Slo​ts: Yes Total cost of everything above is $368 + shipping Seeking $325 shipped Will consider whole or partial trades for : 40° Down UQ/TQ 0° Down TQ Bridge Hammock (WBRR, BMBH) XLC or Dream Hammock with Over Cover Ti Cookset Ti Woodburner stove Additional discussion on the sheath system can be found here IMGP0799.jpgIMGP1325.JPGIMGP1330.JPGIMGP1326.JPG20140907_114554.jpg6666666666.png


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