FS - zpacks Solplex, hip belt pocket (new version)

Hey all - cleaning out some stuff from my overflowing gear closet....

First up a Zpacks solplex tent. Used 25 nights on the JMT plus a few backyard set ups to figure out how to pitch it. Pristine condition - CharlieDog has never even been inside!

I really like this tent, but honestly I like the duomid better and I'm keeping that. Sad to see this one go, but I can't justify keeping it around.

$485 with all guylines attached, olive green, .51 cuben.Secondly I have a slightly used Zpacks hip belt pocket, the new style. Supposed to be black but actually looks a little brown. Some signs of use, but no holes/tears/rips/or anything like that. Retail $21.95+ shipping, yours for only $15 (or thrown in for free if you buy the tent!) Pic to follow...

All prices include USPS priority shipping to your door.


email jenmitol AT gmail DOT com or PM me.



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