Hennessy Hyperlite Zip Hammock w/ accessories, Grand Trunk double Hammock, Leki poles

Up for grabs is a very lightly used Hennessy Hammock. I ordered the Hyperlite Zip earlier this year with the automagic water collectors/tensioners, snake skins, and 1"x42" webbing straps. Since I have had it I have used it a total of two nights. Soon after I got it I met my current girlfriend and all we ever use is my big agnes two person tent. I am going to use the money from this to invest in a lighter two person tent. The hammock comes with the stuff sack and most of the original papers. Retails for $310, Im asking $250 shipped.
Heavily used Grand Trunk Parachute Nylon Double Hammock. Colors are olive green and khaki. This hammock does not come with straps. Im asking $30 shipped.
Heavily used Leki Makalu Trekking Poles. Pretty much all the paint has been chipped off the poles but they work fine. I also have the rubber boots, shoes, and some extra tips. Im asking $35 shipped.