FS: Brand New MLD Cuben Supermid and Cuben Supermid Innernet

Ok, before I get your hopes up, this is more of a presell actually. I've been talking about purchasing a cuben supermid for a while now, and after using my silnylon supermid I'm convinced this is the best type of shelter for my family, or for adults with 3-4 people. Also....after having tried an oware 10x10 and luna 4 on the swap and caught and released them, MLD definitely has the best construction quality.

So...my business partner and I were both going to purchase a complete set for each of our families. (A cuben supermid and a cuben supermid innernet). For various reasons, mainly b/c Ron Bell has such incredible customer support and service, he extended a one time offer that because we were going to purchase 4 of these high ticket items that he would give us a 10% discount, which is awesome. Unfortunately....my business partner's wife went out and bought a way too expensive road bike during this time...and he backed out.

I still want to go forward with the purchase though, but would love the 10% discount. So, I'm looking to see if anyone here on the swap would like a cuben supermid, or a cuben floored supermid innernet, brand new, for a 10% discount off retail.

I've looked through the history...there has never been a cuben supermid or a similar cuben 9x9 or larger pyramid on the swap (ultamid 4 for example). There have been plenty of people posting a WTB for a supermid (including myself) and indicating that for a good price they would take a cuben version, so now is the time!

If you are wanting a ->
Cuben version supermid
Cuben floored Supermid Innernet

for a 10% discount, please contact me so I can place this order.


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