WTB: Chalk bucket and other items stolen, trying to replace

I know this is super petty, but I had a Chalk Bucket from Black Diamond that I adored that was stolen out of my car at the Red River Gorge a few weeks ago (along with almost $2k worth of camping gear).... It was a massive bummer so I've slowly been replacing or upgrading what I had. However, I've already tried to purchase this chalk bag twice online and what I ended up getting sent to me was a much cheaper version (the material and pull tabs were different and it flopped over / had no rigidity to it, plus it felt smaller) so I've sent them back and am still on the hunt for the real version.

This is the exact style I had:

Yeah yeah, a chalk bucket is a chalk bucket is a chalk bucket but I liked what I had so I'm going to try a little extra to find it. If not, I'll suck it up but part of me was just so pissed everything got stolen that I don't want to be reminded of it every time I climb with a shittier version of what I had. Thanks for your help if you have any advice or have one you can sell me!!



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