FS: Fixe Alien Set, BD C3 set, WC, CCH Gold,Orange

I have to thin out the rack to help pay for a trip coming up. All CCH Aliens are virtually brand new. I took them out a couple times but most stayed on the rack. No takes, no falls.

Prefer to sell Fixe Aliens and C3s as sets.

BD C3s Only place at ground level a few times for practice setting up anchors. Never racked.

CCH Aliens Non Recall
OrangeX2 Date Stamps are: 0502 and 308
I bought these from an MPer and never used them. They are both in awesome shape.

Gold CCH Alien Non Recall Date Stamp:708
I bought this from MPer as well. It has a small cut in the plastic on thumb loop. I just covered it in tape:)

WC Flexi Friend never placed Size 0.5
WC Z6 Long Stem Never Placed
WC Old School Size 2 Friend Reslung by Wired Bliss

Open to reasonable offers.

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