FOR SALE: Gatewood Cape, Prolite Plus Pad, Airmat 7.5

For sale:

Gatewood Cape with the Serenity Net Tent and a custom made tyvek footprint. The tarp weighs 11 oz and cost $135 new, the net tent weighs 8 ozs and cost $120 new. This is a great set up for someone who is 6 ft tall and under. The cape works good as rain gear and great as a shelter. I am selling it because I have made my own cuben tarp. The shelter set up is in excellent condition and has 400 AT miles on it. A deal at : $165 for all 3 pieces.

Small Prolite Plus self inflating pad. New $90, weighs 15 oz. Excellent condition. For sale only $50. Includes stuff sack.

Airmat 7.5. 25"x70", weighs 19 oz, repair kit and stuff sack included. Excellent condition. Silicone striping has been added to minimize slippage. For sale for $30.

All prices are shipped. CONUS only. Paypal only. SEnd me a PM if you are interested.

