BD gear, winter/spring jackects, phantom sleeping bag....and more

BD Kilowat skis, skins, and Fritschi Diamir Freeride Pro AT Bindings all for $550.

located in utah

...of another $100 i might consider selling my Garmont boots (26.5...i think)
** New BD NForce ascenders--$110 for the set (one is still in orignal packing...the other has been used once.

Mt Hardwear Phantom 45...light use...$140

sold Mt Hardwear Snowtastic pants, medium, black...used once...$190 sold

Mt Hardwear Victoria Jacket, medium,$300

Mt Hardwear Conduit Jacket, large, orange, brand new...$60

Marmot Super Mica Jacket, medium, black, new...$110

ET 2 mountain tent...$230

Arcteryx Stingray, medium, new...$320

Would be interested in trading for Granite Gear Flat Bed, G.G Nimbus Core, Petzl quarks, or Grivel Quantum Tech/Matrix Tech ice axes
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