Looking to trade for a Big Agnes Fly Creek UL2 or similar tent

Hi there everyone. I've got a Big Agnes Fly Creek Ul1 tent with a Tyvek footprint that I'd like to trade for a Fly Creek UL2 or other similar 2-man tent comparable in quality, size and weight.

I bought this tent off a guy here on Whiteblaze a few months back and it's in great shape. If memory serves he said he'd set the tent up a number of times outside but found it too small for his tastes and never actually used it for camping/backpacking. I've set it up one time inside and other than that this thing has never been used.

I'm kicking myself now because the UL2 is only a few ounces heavier and I think I'd like to carry that extra weight for the extra space. This would be a good deal for anyone who's trying to downsize into a smaller tent.

Please keep in mind that the UL1 is listed at 2 lbs 3 ounces and the UL2 is listed at 2 lbs 10 ounces. These tents can be had new for $320 and $370 respectively. So if anyone has a tent that falls into those general specifications they'd like to trade, let me know!

Thanks ya'll.

**EDIT** I should probably note that I'll add cash to a trade if need be. Thanks.

- Ben