FS: BD C4 cams and one friend

Hi MP,

Have a few too many cams at the moment.

For sale:

-BD #1
-BD #2
-BD #3 x2
Sling date 2013. They have seen 1 fall; don't remember which piece. I climbed ~1-2x/month for 5 years on them.
I'll sell these with a Neutrino for $35 apiece.

-Wild Country 1.0 friend, about BD 0.5, rigid stem
This was a booty piece: $15 with the carabiner. It should be reslung for sure.

-BD #1 cam
This was a booty piece: $25 with the carabiner. Seems to be in good shape.

I'd sell everything for $160 shipped.
Otherwise, add $10 for shipping.

Thanks for looking!

