Do you like to Cam-A-Lot? 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4 also Tricams, Petzl Am'd Lockers,

Is the title cheesy enough for you....Buy 2 or more of anything and I'll cover the shipping, slings should be replaced at your discretion, I'll make sure to clean/lube any cams that go out so its ready for your favorite crack. Actions are all smooth.

Prices are per cam:
#1's - $31
#2's - $34 Or buy a #1-3 set for $97 shipped
#3's - $37
#3.5's - $40 has a very slightly frayed wire (maybe 2 strands)
4's - $40 lobe is leaning inward small pit on the lobe (see pictures)
- $47 one in better condition of the two

Petzl Am'd Triact-Lock Carabiners:
$9-$12 each

Black Diamond Hexes - Make an offer #5-10

Tricams $12 each


Tagged Manufacturers
