Ice Gear Sale: BD Enforcer Gloves (L) and BD Apex Gaiters

I'm headed into my last semester of nursing school and I just found out that my financial aid has run out, so I've got to make ends meet. Almost all of this gear was bought brand new at the end of last season, or this Spring. I'm still stoked on ice, I've just got to pay for school. I am currently out of town for the holidays but will be back home around the New Year and will be available to ship items out and post pictures as needed. I did my best to try and make prices fair, but please let me know if you'd like to barter around with prices. All prices have shipping included, however buyer either uses F&F or covers the 3% fee. The gear is listed as follows:

Petzl Nomics - SOLD
Petzl Quarks - SOLD
Petzl Laser Speed Light Screws - SOLD
Scarpa Phantom 6000s - SOLD
BD Cyborg Crampons - SOLD
BD Cyborg Crampons (well used) - SOLD

BD Enforcer Gloves (L) - $80 - Basically new, used 2 or 3 times
BD Punisher Gloves (L) - SOLD
BD Arc Gloves (L) - SOLD
BD Apex Gaiters - $35 - Good condition, some signs of wear

Misc gear:
BD Ice Clippers - SOLD
BD Screwup - SOLD
Crampons case x2 - SOLD
BD Spinner Leash - SOLD
Petzl V Thread tool - SOLD

I've got even more gear that I'll post up for sale once I'm back home. Let me know if you're interested!


Tagged Manufacturers
