Brand new 2-person ultralight tent - $65

Brand new, has never been slept in, I just set it up in my backyard. It seems pretty nice and a part of me is tempted to keep it, but I got it for free and would prefer using it to fund some trad gear. Pretty light and very easy to set up. There is not a separate rainfly (the walls are the rainfly), and it uses just one pole along the center plus a smaller one across to to keep the sides out. Note that because of this you have to use pegs around the sides (it is not free-standing). I'm 6' and could be fairly comfortable with a second person my size sleeping in the tent, although you wouldn't have much room for personal belongings inside. From the inside there is an opening to the side opposite of the door, though, allowing you to stash your bag under the raintarp there without blocking the entrance. There is also a vent on the roof that can be opened or closed.

This thing retails for $100 on amazon. I'm asking for $65+shipping. Also interested in trading for a cam or for evo tricams.

