FS: MH Phantom 0 Sleeping Bag $250, SCARPA + Zamberlan 6000m size43 Boots $250, BD Eldorado Tent $350

For Sale:

- Mountain Hardwear Phantom 0 Sleeping Bag.  Great condition, minimal use, stored in loose sack in cool, dry closet.  Q-Shield 800fill Down, treated to be water resistant. 2.5lbs  Maybe 25 nights use tops.  $250 + shipping

- Black Diamond Eldorado Tent - Very Minimal use, excellent shape. Price dropped to $350 + shipping

- SCARPA 6000m Boots - previous version. Double boot, fine shape, toe bale beginning to show wear.  size 43 $250 obo+ shipping

- Zamberlan 6000m Denali Boot - Great shape, very little use. previous version of this boot.  Warmer than the above boot with better inner boot. size 43 $250 obo + Shipping