[WTS] Tarptent Notch & Rota Lacura Carbon Fiber Stakes

Selling my Tarptent Notch.

I bought this from the original owner (on /ULgeartrade, said he used it for 4 nights) last winter and have not had a chance to use it yet.

Got my first child on the way next month so closet purging is underway :)

I set it up once in the backyard and verified everything was good. Pitched perfectly and properly seam sealed.

The stakes I used on a trip right before i got the Notch, worked great, just dont need the extra set.

1x Tarptent notch (originally bought in 2016 i believe)

6x Rota Lacura Carbon Fiber Stakes

$250 w/ free shipping to Lower 48

Here's a link to the previous sellers images he took https://imgur.com/gallery/5z3zc

And here is a pic of mine as proof of existence http://imgur.com/gallery/hHQsWlN


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