Looking for a new hammock - Chameleon, XLC, Trail Lair, etc

Hoping to find a good deal on a gently used hammock. Interested in a fully featured hammy such as: Forum user made DIY Chameleon in 1.6 Hexon SLD Trail Lair Dream Hammock Sparrow XLC2.0 in single or light double. What's important: Asym Right lay or symmetrical 11' length, standard width is fine. UQ hooks, tie-outs, gear loft, peak net, etc. (really nice to have these but not a deal breaker if not) Dual zippers - both sides, so I can adjust the UQ while inside (my current hammock doesn't have this and it bugs me) I have had great luck with member-made DIY's that have been passed on here on the forums. Both of my current hammocks are DIY's. I would be very interested in picking up another one so long as the price is right and the material will hold me. I'm not a weight weenie either, so I'm not going to freak out about the scale weight. Jeff


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