[WTS] Klymit Inertia X-Wave, New, in unopened box. $50.00 (cross-post from ULGearTrade)

Klymit Inertia X-Wave, New, in unopened box. $50.00. I bought two, only need 1. I'm unable to make a return. Retail price is $74.95.

The best way to reach me is email: tom DOT sabido AT g m a i l.com

Additional info from Klymit website:

At a scant 10.5 ounces, the Inertia X Wave hits the sweet spot where ultralight meets super comfortable. The 3/4 – length sheds weight for adults who travel light and fast, and is great size for kids. The built-in pillow, integrated side rails, customizable pressure and supportive design elevate comfort, the carefully thought out wave sections cushion side sleepers’ knees, and the tapered lower edge allows legs to lie neutrally. Deep welds up the thermal efficiency, and patent-pending Loft Pocket Technology positions the chambers to maximize your sleeping bag’s performance while minimizing pad weight.

I'm not going to post a photo of the box. It's just a box :-) Photos at Klymit website: Klymit Inertia X-wave


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