Sony RX1

This is a full framed UL imaging beast. At 17 oz, I still doubt you can find better IQ for the weight. The fixed 35mm is probably the best I’ve used, and makes beautiful creamy bokeh at 2.0.

I made a mistake and never applied a screen protector to this. The screen is a bit scuffed up, probably from pulling it in and out of its case a lot. I don’t think it gets in the way of the shooting experience much, but if you are looking for a shiny immaculate new toy, this isn’t it. If you are looking for a killer deal on a truly unique imagining machine, and an extremely high IQ/oz, this is probably the lowest that you can find this camera anywhere. Great for someone who likes to shoot landscapes on their backpacking trips, but also nice portraits with bokeh. I’m trying to sell this quickly and I think the price is pretty low already, so maybe save the offers for later if it doesn’t sell. Would only consider trading for a locus gear khafra DCF-B ;)

I still love this camera and think its IQ is still competitive with the best of todays cameras, but I can’t justify keeping it, since I bought into the fuji x system.


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