[WTS] Gossamer Gear Gorilla (UL)


Torso size large , belt size medium

Latest version of the Gorilla. Used for 100 miles on the PCT (5 days), and less than a handful of post-quitting overnighters. Includes the attachable hip-belt, but no aluminum frame. I replaced the substandard GG sitpad-backing with a Z-Lite pad. No brain included, of course.

Here's where you wince and look away, closing the tab: I chopped off the extreme, excess webbing on this pack, specifically: the excessively-long low-bottle securers, the ridiculously long sternum-strap, the pregnant woman waist belt sizers, and finally, the internal water bladder holder. Every strap will still fit around somebody 200 lbs or more.

I removed ~418' of excess material while weighing in at a rotund & portly 205 lbs (14.6429 stone, 465359.121 carats, 837.646 netwons, etc...), so if you're not fat, this pack will be well within your UL range with webbing to spare. It carries really nicely with 5+ days of food, and is in very good condition inside and out.

$100 firm, PayPal after fees and shipping, etc.


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