Great Split Board for sale

This is a sweet deal on a home made Split Board. Its a 156 split board that I bought from another person, used it, loved it, and now had my work buy some and use my work split board, so its time to let some one else enjoy it! The package comes with all the hardware ($160 bucks alone) to include the universal mounting plate which allows you to use any snowboard binding as well as the ski boot style attachment. The package also comes with a full length skins as well. The skins (an additional $120 dollar value) have plenty of life left on them. If you live in Colorado and want to try the board out, I would be happy to help you set up the board for your bindings as well as get a couple laps in the back country so you can try it out. Please let me know if you have any questions at all! Only asking $225. Please call me at 719-510-0976. Thanks.

I have a lot of other items I am getting ready to sell to include some Scarpa AT boots, Seirra designs rain jacket, mens large, back pack and more. Have a wonderful and safe start to your back country season!

