Black Diamond 70M Half/Twin rope, Venom tools, Viper Tools, crampons

I've got some gear that I have impulsively bought and will now impulsively sell. I took the rope out of its packaging, flaked it one time onto my house floor, and never ended up using. Let's call it $125 shipped ($200 brand new from BD). I have taken the Venom tools on a mixed route MAYBE 5 times. The picks are still essentially new, just have some scratches and whatnot. I wrapped the shafts in an insulated 3M tape this season and they haven't been out yet. They are both 57cm hammers, let's call them $200 for the pair ($150 brand new each from BD). The Vipers have their fair share of use, still plenty nice though. They are definitely still in climbing shape right now. Once again, I wrapped them and haven't even got them on ice this season. They are a few seasons old, call it $200 for the pair? And I also have this pair of random BD crampons that I don't use at all, if you want them, you can have them for free. Shoot me a text at 208-995-5522 or PM me on here with any offers!

70M Rope

Venom tools

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