Gear For Sale: Zpacks, Marmot, Black Diamond, ULA +

So I got pretty excited in thinking I would go back out after injuring my knee and finish up the Colorado Trail but on doctors orders I shouldn't and I'm not :( Anywho.... I have some gear id like to part with. Most of it is like new with little to no wear. All prices include shipping inside the US.

Zpacks Pack Liner - Standard size he sells. Fits perfect inside the ULA OHM 2.0 Used for 3 nights - 30.00

Zpacks Hexamid Twin Tarp w/ Extended Beak- Only setup twice in the yard. Like new - 255.00

Marmot Super Mica , Small, Sapphire Blue - New W/O tags - 120.00

Black Diamond Ergo Cork Aluminum - Have 100 miles or so. Do have average wear and tear - 40.00

ULA Ohm 2.0, Medium Torso - Small Waist Belt - Has a good 50-75 miles on it. Excellent Shape. Comes with pack cover - 185.00

Paypal Gift/Family or add 3%. Really need to sell the gear so I will be more than happy to cut a deal for multiple items or accept offers! Please email me at [email protected]
