WTB: ~50L backpack, solo tent, Enlightened Equipment Revelation

Gearing up for some expeditions in the west/southwest this winter and looking to do it on the cheap.  Willing to take gear with some minor stains, tears, modifications, etc., as long as the functionality isn’t impaired.

PACK: Looking for a pack that’s around 50L give or take.  I’m 5’10”, 140lbs, and 30″ waist.  Maybe your old pack will fit me!  Searching for something along the lines of a GoLite Jam 50, Granite Gear Virga or ULA CDT.

TENT:  Looking for a 3-season solo tent with bathtub floor and double walls.  Fast-pitch capabilities would be super but not required!

QUILT: Bit of a long shot, but also looking for an Enlightened Equipment Revelation quilt.